Intuition acts as a guide, perhaps governing our future paths, subtly influencing our decisions and assisting in our ability to problem-solve. I believe that ultimately our soul wants us to be all-knowing and achieve spiritual excellence as individuals, but it allows us the right to make our own decisions and create our own destinies through the power of choice. Just as human intuition is received within the constraints of our time, space, and matter, our decisions are also made within the constraints of our own personal beliefs, expectations, lifestyle, society, and surroundings. All of these additional constraints produce challenges for each and every person depending on the locale and context. Despite these challenges, you will never be able to move forward unless you confront these tests and use your intuition to assist you in the decision-making process.
Align your intuition with your experiences. We all understand the concept of cause and effect and its direct relationship with decision-making. Drawing upon our understanding of this relationship, our past experiences provide the framework for which we read, interpret, learn, and analyze. Past experiences advise our intuition. The more experiences we have, the more intuition has to draw upon and continually evolve our brains. If you keep avoiding pursuing your wishes, for whatever reason, you are in turn denying your intuition of data. It is surprising the amount of external data that we are able to process in one moment of time – new data, inter-related data, subtle data, past data, and more. There is so much data, yet just like a supercomputer we can process, analyze, store, and make decisions based on all of this in a split second. Somehow, we are able to make sense of all of it, and even what we can’t process, we store for future consideration. Our brain is always on and always wired to the world that we live in. Use your intuition to assist you with your long-range vision and insight to bring you closer to fulfilling your wish, as opposed to reacting to momentary or impulsive decisions that will only benefit the short-term.
Too many options
Sometimes we are presented with too many options and we can’t think clearly. If you are having trouble making a decision, don’t make it right away. Decision-making is best when you have clarity within your mind and the uninhibited ability to discriminate. Sometimes you need to open the path a little more for your intuitive mind to start flowing. Give your brain a ‘break’. A good night’s sleep always helps, and the answer you are looking for may even come to you in a dream while you are sleeping.
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