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Life chats, practical advice, spirit-lifting & authentic stories.

Tamara Fyke
1 min read
Litany of Treasures
Front porches. Falling leaves. Red brick. Hot chocolate. Giggling children. Loud music. Swing dancing. Frosty mornings. Comfortable jeans.

The 5 Minute Reset
7 min read
Holly Butcher's Advice To The World 24 hours Before She Died Of Cancer ... This Was Her Message.
Holly Butcher posted her advice to the world, 24 hours before she died of Ewing's sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. This was her message...

Tamara Fyke
2 min read
Finding Identity in Diversity
Whenever my 23-year-old chooses to spend time with me, I’m one happy mama. A few years ago on a Friday night, which we all know is prime tim

Dr. Carol Morgan
10 min read
How to Deal with Anxiety When Dating Someone You Really Like
Remember when you were a kid and you had a crush on the popular boy or girl? And you didn’t think that they would ever give you the time of

Tamara Fyke
3 min read
Finding Our Voice
March 8th is International Women’s Day. Across the globe, women will join together to celebrate their rights and accomplishments as well as

Donna Henderson
2 min read
Hang Onto Your Hat
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! On December 21, 2020 our planet officially entered a new 200-year cycle. After 200 years of being dominated

Tamara Fyke
2 min read
Celebrate Black History Month: Find Your Own Voice
When I first started college I attended a small Catholic university in downtown Pittsburgh. One of my favorite classes was Multiculturalism.

Lora Moore
3 min read
My thoughts on (almost) 50 years of introversion
I am a forty-something introvert who has finally come to terms with being who I am and not longing to be someone else. To be an introvert

Dr. Carol Morgan
4 min read
8 Awesome Things About Relationships That Technology Ruins For Us
For those of you who are under 30, you might not even remember a time when people didn’t constantly check their phones for texts, Facebook

Tamara Fyke
2 min read
Thank you, Dr. King
When I was a high school student, a national holiday was established to honor Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. My principal, however,

Dr. Carol Morgan
6 min read
17 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong Forever
Who doesn’t love a good fairy tale? Everyone! And most of us want to believe that when we find our Prince Charming (or Princess) that we’ll

Lora Moore
2 min read
Chasing Dreams
I think deep down, I have always been a dreamer. Admittedly, at times, I was very good at allowing my circumstances to keep me from ...

The 5 Minute Reset
2 min read
Give The Gift Of Connection
Connecting with other people is a huge part of our lives - and it's essential to our health and well-being. It's also a huge part of what

Tamara Fyke
2 min read
Christmas Beliefs
I love Christmas…and Christmas movies. When my kids were little, we would spend weekends cuddled up on the couch enjoying family and films.

Lora Moore
2 min read really is a gift.
My mom took her own life when I was just 12 years old. Do you remember what you were like when you were 12? I had a signature haircut ...

Donna Henderson
2 min read
You ARE The Universe
We often talk about "the Universe" as if it is something outside of ourselves; something in charge of us wielding ultimate power over our...

Tamara Fyke
4 min read
What do we do?
Last Fall my 21 -year-old son was robbed at gunpoint at college. The masked stranger demanded he hand over the $150 cross necklace he was...

Dr. Bela Sood
3 min read
How To Help Your Children Cope With The Pandemic
This pandemic is unlike anything we've ever experienced, so how can we help our children cope, especially when we're also feeling anxious?

The 5 Minute Reset
2 min read
Let's Leave Nothing For Later
Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is

The 5 Minute Reset
3 min read
How Moms Really Feel About Navigating The Pandemic & Discovering Silver Linings
They've become teachers overnight. They go beyond kissing the occasional bump to now being on-call nurses. They've learned new skills ...

Tamara Fyke
3 min read
Power of Forgiveness
Confession: My name is Tamara. People have hurt me, and I have hurt people.
We hurt each other with our words, attitudes, and actions ...

Tamara Fyke
2 min read
Lessons from a Mama's Heart
Dear Child of Mine,
In a world that is uncertain due to tragic events, the pandemic or life choices, hold fast to these truths ...

Tamara Fyke
3 min read
Let's Play
A few years ago, I took my youngest son and his friend to Laser Quest. It’s the best laser tag place I know, full of two-story mazes ...

Tamara Fyke
4 min read
Take Good Care
This back-to-school season is like none other. Given the pandemic, states and districts are choosing a variety of learning paths ...

Helen Carmichael
4 min read
Falling mask, sights unseen.
With a late autism diagnosis, I am learning to better identify my sensory landscape, and to understand how social interactions work ...

Makayla Hidalgo
3 min read
My Life In Quarantine
Look at the way the sunshine hits the edge of this plant. It shines and illuminates, making the leaf a brighter shade of green ...

Donna Henderson
4 min read
The 5 Lessons Chronic Illness Taught Me & How They’ve Helped Me Navigate A Global Pandemic
I spent a grand total of three years of my first thirteen in hospital due to my Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This meant multiple ...

Hilary Boyd
3 min read
Lessons I’ve learnt about my lockdown self…
I quite like having no social commitments. Sounds really terrible, doesn’t it? But, however much I look forward to seeing my friends ...

Tamara Fyke
4 min read
It's OK not to be OK
On May 3, 2020, another severe storm hit my hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. This time it hit my neighborhood and my car. My friends ...

Lora Moore
2 min read
I am an Apple
I have been spending some time quarreling with myself about body image and feeling good about the body I am fortunate to inhabit. Ever since

Karen Sue-A-Quan
3 min read
Sunny-side Up
Why is the sun associated with positive feelings as we gaze into its magnificence? What makes it beautiful? It’s a natural occurrence ...

Lisa Thornbury
3 min read
Kids Learning To Play Again: A Quarantine Positive
I still can’t believe this is happening. It’s like we’re living out a Netflix series. I’ve shared a bit about my personal struggles with ...

Lora Moore
4 min read
The Power Of Expression
When I was twelve, I walked into the garage and found my mother slumped over in the driver’s seat of her car, the engine running and the ...

Lisa Thornbury
4 min read
Pandemic Parenting When You Have A Child With Special Needs
I just had a full blown pandemic panic attack. I haven’t had one in years. A general panic attack I mean—pandemic specific panic attacks ...

The 5 Minute Reset
1 min read
Have A Story To Share?
We would love you to share your personal 'Heart & Soul' stories! Visit our Guest Contributors page and submit your story.

Lisa Thornbury
3 min read
Feeling My Age
I often hear other Generation Xers say things like, “I feel like a twenty year old in a forty-five year old body.” Or, “I feel like a kid...

Dr. Carol Morgan
4 min read
Outer Beauty vs. Inner Beauty: We Have it Backwards
If you ask most people what they find beautiful about a person, many of them will probably begin to describe someone’s physical ...
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