Life purpose and internal bliss go hand in hand. They are meant to be together. The more aligned you feel with accomplishing your life purpose, the more truly content your soul becomes. This contentment fills your soul and provides that wonderful feeling inside you that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, and at peace with yourself. The pleasure that is associated with fulfilling your life purpose translates to self-worth, confidence, love, and all of these similar types of positive emotions. Should they ever separate and become disconnected, your joy has the potential to turn into sadness at a surprisingly quick rate. When the disconnection continues to widen and widen, the sadness ultimately turns into the more serious illness of depression.
Depression is more common than you think. Living a life without purpose can create a downward spiral, but a downward spiral into quicksand. If you find yourself in that situation or have ever been in that situation, you will know it’s a really difficult position to get out of without some professional help. Depression can lead to poor life choices in all your daily activities and interactions affecting everything from your work and relationships, to sleep, diet, lack of exercise, and more. It directly affects your will, determination and drive, and causes you to lose both faith and hope.
Remember, no matter how bad you may think your life is, it may only look and feel bad to you at this particular moment in time, but it is not hopeless. Somehow you need to recognize this and find the inner strength to dig your way out of it gradually until you feel your inner pain no more. Overcoming depression is a journey. Take an active role in your own self-recovery. Seek professional and medical advice. Create positive actions that will assist you in everything from reconnecting with nature, getting the right amount and type of exercise, sustaining a healthy balanced diet, to balancing sleep, work and play. Allow yourself the time you need to recover and heal your soul without becoming complacent.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.