Don’t let fear have a permanent spot in your mind to reside. If you do, fear will park a chair, invite friends, multiply, eventually take over, and never leave. So if you have fear, or are at a point of it taking over your life, the only way you will overcome it is to slowly chip away at it – one day at a time. Attempting to eradicate fear as a whole is almost next to impossible and will only set you up for failure. Once you are able to chip away at it you will free your soul, feel lighter, a bit more carefree, and more willing to take risk.
Life is not about simply coping or getting by. Life is about inner fulfillment and purpose. How you feel is within your control. You can choose to be fearful or you can choose to fear less. Learn to surrender your fears, silence your ego, and start taking control. If you learn how to develop control over your emotions, you have the potential to change the outcome of any given situation. Control your initial instinct of the fear of rejection and not fitting in. Learn to love yourself for who you are. The more you are at peace with yourself, the more you will accept who you are. Self-awareness and self-confidence will assist in reducing your fears.
Having a healthier perspective on fear as a result of wanting to fulfill your wishes, and maintaining a positive attitude, will enable you to become more and more courageous. You will instinctively begin to create healthier habits and a better outlook, while remaining relaxed and optimistic about your future and your purpose. All these actions will prove to leave positive imprints on your mind, body and soul from which to draw upon when you need it.
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.