In order to achieve a life that is true to you, you need to incorporate a set of parameters for yourself. For those with highly imaginative, innovative and impulsive personality traits, that can translate to being easily distracted, which sometimes will make your journey to achieve your goals twice as long. If you are fortunate enough, you will eventually get there but your path may constantly twist and turn and take you in numerous directions. It may lead to more ups and downs, and more ebbs and flows, but as long as you have conditioned yourself to expect it and allow room for the extra work, you won’t be letting yourself down.
Human life is complicated. It always has been and it always will be because we somehow manage to consistently make it that way. In order to endure all the ups and downs, you need to remain strong-willed and perseverant or you will never reach your goal. The distractions can be wearing on your soul, yet at the same time so incredibly rewarding. It all comes down to how badly do you really want to fulfill that wish?
I always remind myself that I am not in a race and I allow myself the time to experience life and just breathe. I know everything comes at the right time. With this thought in mind, I believe I tend to learn a great deal more by not bypassing it all in a mad dash to the finish line. I frequently stop and take it all in, and quite often I meet the most remarkable people along the way. That is what makes life interesting.
If self-discipline is not your forté, then you need to develop a set of parameters or guidelines that you need to follow in order for you to stay focused on the path to achieve your goal. I tend not to call these self-imposed parameters ‘rules’ as I am a notorious rule-breaker. As soon as I hear the word ‘rule’ I have a tendency to instantly think of ways to get around it. I get that overwhelming feeling that I need to ‘break free’ and live beyond the imposed restrictions. So use whatever terminology you are most comfortable with – whether it be parameters, guidelines, habits, or even rules, simply put some in place for yourself to help you keep your eye on that end goal.
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