By Tamara Fyke. Educator and social entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and author of Love In A Big World. Follow her on Twitter.

Dear Child of Mine,
In a world that is uncertain due to tragic events, the pandemic or life choices, hold fast to these truths. Read them over and over again until they anchor your soul.
You are loved. Nothing you do will ever change that.
Be authentic. Be who you are. Let the inside & the outside match. Don’t try to impress with outward appearances. What really shows is the heart, so ask your heart how it’s doing.
Take responsibility for yourself. You are not a victim.
Be kind to everyone, especially children.
Play. Laugh. Dance. Sing. Be silly. It’s good for your heart.
Every day is a new day…a fresh start.
Forgive. Holding onto hurt causes bitterness. Bitterness will drive people away from you; forgiveness will draw them to you.
Relationships are what matter most. Build bridges, not walls. This is true personally & professionally.
Persevere. Good things come to those who do their best & don’t give up.
What matters most about a person is the heart…not skin color, looks, height, weight, money or popularity.
Education is the key to your future.
Find your fit.
It’s okay to ask for help.
There’s usually more than one way to get where you’re going.
Take time to process. Let yourself feel what you need to feel. Talk things through. There is no need to rush big decisions.
It’s okay not to be okay.
You are a Treasure!
Connection…relationship…is more important than being right.
Life is a great adventure. Enjoy the ride!
Always remember…I love you.
With all my heart,
All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any product/service.