Are you accepting of yourself? Do you feel insecure about yourself in any way? Are you constantly fighting with your inner thoughts relating to fears, doubts, and self-esteem? Do you compare yourself and your material possessions with that of others? If you said yes to any of these questions, you need to stop and ask yourself why? What is the root cause that is feeding your thoughts? Why are you allowing yourself to feel this way? And if you do feel this way, only you can change the way you feel through the choices you make.
Look into the mirror and love yourself for who you are on the inside and out. And if there are things you would like to improve upon, do it. If you feel overweight, change your diet and start exercising. If you are not feeling smart enough or confident in pursuing your passions, educate yourself. Stop comparing yourself to others in a negative way. Use those you idolize or believe to be successful, as positive role models. Learn from their successes. Use them to motivate you, and not make you feel unworthy. Discover your hidden assets. Explore your natural talents. Take a long hard look at what you perceive your quirks to be and use them to your advantage.
Quirks can actually increase your chances to succeed and subsequently, turn into your most beneficial assets. If you take a moment and look back at some of the world’s most memorable icons – what do they all have in common? They stand out because of their quirks and are often associated in relation with their quirks. Most of them are also opportunists that seized opportunities and believed in themselves and their visions. Some of these voices were the most courageous, daring, and fearless of all time.
What do you remember most when you think of the following visionaries? Pablo Picasso? As an artist, he used his own large ears as symbols within his art so frequently to convey hidden meanings possibly to encourage viewers to increase self-awareness and be open to the world around us. He was once quoted as saying, “I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them” emphasizing the internal versus the external. Albert Einstein? Rather than tame his unruly locks or cut them short, he allowed them to grow and be free – perhaps symbolic of his endless creativity and inventive thought processes. His wild and crazy hair is now associated with ‘genius’ hair. The list goes on and on and the examples are plentiful.
Being unique is a gift.
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