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Reset Your Clock: 5 Effective Hacks To Help You Reset

Writer's picture: The 5 Minute ResetThe 5 Minute Reset

We all know the saying ...

"There's not enough hours in the day".

And if you find yourself often feeling this way, it may be time for you to make some small, but effective changes, by changing up your daily routine to make the most of each day. By creating tiny changes to each and every day, you will learn how to spend your time wisely and effectively with the end goal of being able to do more of what you love.

Change is inevitable. Change is good. Incorporating change into our lives is necessary for growth and new beginnings (even when we find ourselves in the middle of a worldwide pandemic). Change may feel laborious and even more demanding of your time, but on the road to self-awareness and wish fulfillment, your efforts contribute directly to your rewards. Sometimes when we are always on the go and have a lot going on around us, it becomes difficult to focus, pause, and reflect on what matters most. Constant reflection assists us in determining whether or not we are content with our life choices. It helps us understand how we got to be where we are today. This is an opportunity to pause. Ask yourself questions that matter most to you and answer them honestly. Are you content with your life at this moment in time? Do you feel you are on the right path for you? Are there things you want to change? Are there things you want to accomplish? Are you feeling lost and can’t think of what to wish for, but you know deep down you need a change?

Be The Change & Spark Your Inner Drive

It's time to create a stimulus for yourself and be the catalyst for change. Ignite your mind, body, and soul. Spark your inner drive. Create a new you with a fresh new outlook on life. Allow your creativity to blossom and turn your curiosity into a routine to ensure you are fully present and increase your self-awareness. Change your thoughts, your desired outcomes, and embrace new ways of approaching life. We all have an inner spark or flame burning inside us for something that we all wish we could do. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or world-changing – sometimes the simplest completed wishes can be the most effective. Imagine the feeling of blazing a trail for all to see, of positivity and creativity beyond imagination. Is there a tiny part of you that would actually love to do this?

“Every day is an opportunity to reset & drive positive change.” - The 5 Minute Reset

The Reset

It only takes a few minutes a day to change your daily routine and get into the right mindset. We've developed a "Reset Clock" that is designed to spark your inner drive and help you make positive changes in your life. The first step to making a change in your life is acknowledging that you need a change. But rather than jumping into something new right away, it is often best to pause and reflect and really take the time to understand why you want to change and what is the ultimate desired outcome of the potential changes you want to make. The best way to make that change is through baby steps.

"The one primary motivator that leads us to persevere is baby steps," says John Brubaker on Entrepreneur. That's because we can get overwhelmed by all of the steps involved in achieving a goal when we look at the big picture.

Instead, break the "big picture goal down into systematic, manageable baby steps." Then, acknowledge, document, and celebrate your wins daily.

This will help you achieve that change that you've been seeking in a more positive and meaningful way.

We believe self-care is #1. Acts of self-care towards yourself first will ensure you have the energy to take care of everything you have going on in your life. Self-care gives the world the best of you, rather than what's left of you. By practicing tiny amounts of meditation, gratitude, and kindness to yourself each day you will learn to open up your mind and truly tune in to how you envision your life to be. These practices will provide you inner guidance on what baby steps you need to make in order to make the necessary changes towards following a new path and aligning your life to be in sync with your soul.

We are confident that you will experience tremendous growth by following The Reset Clock with these 5 simple, yet effective daily prompts and that you will get to know yourself better with each passing day. Not every day will be easy, but we promise it will be worth it.

The Reset Clock

5 - minutes of meditation

4 - minutes of kindness

3 - minutes of gratitude

2 - quick walks per day

1 - extra hour of sleep every night

All posts are intended strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to make any representations or warranties about the outcome of any procedure. It is not a substitute for a thorough in-person consultation with a medical professional. If you have questions about your personal medical situation, please call your healthcare provider.


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